
tiny tumbler

Digging through my pile of UFOs, I pulled up this little bundle, which I think I'll work on for my next project in the challenge.

what's inside? This is a pouch I started in 2004, just like this one. the tumblers are pieced all by hand, with sewing lines traced on the back. I used to do all my quilting like this, tiny patches, tiny stitches. Today though, when I started to sew the first two rows together, I felt like I was all thumbs. It took a while to remember how to stitch like this again, checking the front and back to be sure I was sewing on the lines. I guess if I could just do it all in one sitting it'd come back to me pretty naturally, but with interruptions...let's see how long it takes me.
Today I put George in the sling and started really unpacking the sewing room while he slept. I packed up most of the fabric in April, when we started house hunting, but a lot of boxes & tubs had been packed and stored since before our last move in '05, and some things were tucked away since Atlanta ('02-'04) or Japan ('01-'02). Going through boxes and piles of things made me chuckle more than a few times. I was laughing at myself, my habits, what kind of things were important to me over the last 10 years... I think some of the things I found deserve blog posts all their own. If time allows, I might write them.

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